Cassava cake recipe from Indonesia

About cassava recipe  .

The cassava recipe I am going to introduce this time is called Golak. Golak is made from dried cassava which in my country is called Krekel. The letter E in ‘krekel’ is same as in word yes . Honestly, it is a saddening fact that that word is almost extinct from Indonesian vocabulary especially Javanese language. Golak has a special taste. Among traditional snacks, Golak is my favorite.

Cassava Recipe Golak

How to make Golak? Firstly, we need to make krekel. Peel the skin of cassava, soak the cassava in water for 2-3 days. Drain it and then dry it under the sun. It needs 4 days to make it completely dry. When it is completely dry, it called krekel.

Besides krekel, actually there is one more type of dried cassava, it is called Gaplek. Gaplek is similar to Krekel. Krekel must be soaked for 2 days before we dry in the sun. While Gaplek does not need to be soaked in water, just dry it under the sun after peeling and washing. 
What is the difference between krekel and gaplek? Answer: No difference, the difference is in the taste. Any food derived from cassava is best made from krekel. Foods made from krekel do not have unpleasant smell of rotten cassava. The smell of rotten cassava will go by itself during the immersion process and it is transformed into a deliciously unique taste. Here are some foods made from gaplek and krekel; golak, lanthing, ciwel, gathot, thiwul, etc. 

Gaplek singkong can only last for less than a year in store. While Krekel singkong can last for 2 years and not affected by moth. So, if we have patience to soak cassava for 2 days or 3 days prior to drying we will have a benefit of one extra year of expiry date. In term of taste? Of course krekel is unbeatable! 

How to make cassava golak (golak singkong)

Firstly we have to make krekel flour traditionally by grinding or pounding the krekel using wooden pestle. What if you don’t have wooden pestle? Well, I think electric blender for grains can do the job. You can use any pestle to pound it coarsely, then blend it using electric blender, the one for grinding grains, remember, don’t add water into it!

Use sieve to separate the finer flour from the coarse one. Grind again the remaining coarse krekel and sieve. Repeat this step until it turns into finer flour. Do not make it too fine.

Cassava flour

Cassava recipe namely Golak


  • 500 gr of krekel flour.
  • Grated coconut (1/4 part of a coconut).
  • Seasoning : a little salt, coriander, garlic pulverized into powder.
  • 1 tip tsp of sugar.
  • 390 ml of hot water.

Steps to make Golak Snack:

  1. Make seasoning as for fried tempeh; pound garlic, coriander seeds, and salt.
  2. Mix 500gr krekel powder, seasoning and water. Mix and knead like making doughnut dough, and the texture is fluffy as doughnut dough.
  3. Shape the dough into the shape as in the picture. Shape it into 7cm long and 2cm in diameter. Make a hole in the center of it just like making doughnut but in a smaller size.
  4. Preheat the oil in the pan. Deep fry it in low heat. So that it will get cooked thoroughly.
  5. Use a strainer to let the oil drip. It is good to eat when it is still warm. When it is cool it becomes tough.

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